
Stormpaw became a warrior and is now known as Stormflash! Congratulations Stormflash!


Dawn/Hunting Patrol:

Hawkshadow (Leading it)



Comment next in Border/Hunting Patrol page!


*Join FrostClan*

Thank You for taking the time to join the Clan! Please include these things to join:

Cat's Name:
Picture (Optional):


  1. Cat's Name: Mistpool
    Personality: She has a fiery temperament and personality, and she enjoys being the center of attention. Though she may seem like a hot-headed she-cat, she can actually be quite loving and sweet to those who are persistent enough to try and become her friend.
    Description: Gray she-cat with sky blue eyes.
    Picture (Optional):
    Age: 17 moons
    Gender: she-cat
    Rank: (can I be deputy? if not, then medicine cat? if not THAT, then warrior)

    Cat's Name: Stormpaw
    Personality: Very dangerous and skilled in battles. but is very loyal to his clanmates and leader.
    Description: Light gray tabby tom with dark green eyes. His pelt is streaked lightly with browns and blacks. His broad shoulders show how strong he is.
    Picture (Optional):
    Age: 9 moons
    Gender: tom
    Rank: apprentice

  2. Name: Sparrowpaw (Sparrowsky)
    Personality: She is intelligent, swift, pretty, and caring. Sparrowpaw is very cheerful and funny towards her friends and clanmates. She is very smart, and often invents unique ways of treating a cat's illness. Her brother is Burnpaw.
    Description: Sparrowpaw is a dark gray tabby she-cat with bright gold eyes.
    Age: 8 moons
    Gender: she-cat
    Rank: medicine cat apprentice

    Name: Burnpaw (Burnfang)
    Personality: He is handsome, strong, athletic, and swift. He is an excellent fighter, but also loves to spend time playing with his clanmates. His sister is Sparrowpaw
    Description: Burnpaw is a ginger tom with amber eyes.
    Age: 8 moons
    Gender: tom
    Rank: apprentice

  3. Cat's Name: Hawkshadow
    Personality: Very loyal to his clan, and willing to fight for his clanmates to the death, no matter what the cost.
    Description: Dark brown tabby tom with blazing amber eyes.
    Picture (Optional):
    Age: 19 moons
    Gender: Tom
    Rank: Head Warrior

  4. Cat's Name: Poppyheart
    Personality/Description: Brown tabby with a white underside and amber eyes. Very outgoing and brave. She is really friendly but also sly, smart, and even a little bit sarcastic. Doesn't tolerate laziness.
    Picture (Optional):
    Age: twelve moons and two. ( a year and two monthes)
    Gender: she-cat
    Rank: Warrior

  5. Cat's Name:Echopool
    Personality:Echopool is intelligent and very mysterious.There is not one sickness that Echopool doesn't know the cure for.Whenever a cat comes to the Medicine Cat Den they always leave feeling better than they did when they came in.
    Description:She is a Grey and white she-cat with blue eyes.
    Picture (Optional):
    Age:Eleven moons(11 months)
    Rank: Medicine Cat

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Here is the link to my pic:

  8. Cat's Name: Jayshadow
    Personality: Jayshadow egards people indifferently, showing a bit of his bratty side. He argues with many cats; it's as if he enjoys arguing. Although he ignores many cats, he can be kind, but very rarely. His temper flares quickly, annoyed by the insults from other clans. But once he trust you he is sarcastic, loyal, and smart. His sister is Featherpaw and his brother is Fadepaw
    Description: A gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes
    Picture (Optional):
    Age: 13 moons
    Gender: Tom
    Rank: Medicine Cat

    Cat's Name: Featherpaw (Storm)
    Personality: She is extremely shy and doesn't talk much, but is very devoted to serving her clan. She can also be rather jumpy at times, and sometimes other cats tease her.
    Description: a light gray she cat with vivid blue eyes and whit paws. Her brothers are Jayshadow and Fadepaw.
    Picture (Optional):
    Age: 7 moons
    Gender: She cat
    Rank: Apprentice

    Cat's Name: Fadepaw (Heart)
    Personality: He is strikingly handsome, and many she-cats love him on first sight. He ignores all of them, and is looking for someone who fits his personality. Sweet, loving, and very loyal. He loves his family and will do anything to keep them together and safe.
    Description: A handsome black tom with dark blue eyes. His sister is Featherpaw and his brother is Jayshadow.
    Picture (Optional):
    Age: 7 moons
    Gender: Tom
    Rank: Apprentice

  9. Wait! Jayshadow is just a warrior!

  10. Cat's Name: Clawpaw (Clawstep)
    Personality: He is kind, considerate, curious, smart, and a bit shy. He is large for his age and has long claws, but underneath he has a big heart. He is also looking for a future mate.
    Description: Handsome brown tabby tom with pale green eyes.
    Picture (Optional):
    Age: 9 moons
    Gender: tom
    Rank: apprentice

    Cat's Name: Tumblepaw (Tumblesong)
    Personality: She is kind, caring, loyal, and swift. She loves her little sister Blossomkit very much and will do anything to keep her safe. She is looking for a cat to be with who is kind.
    Description: Pretty silver tabby with dark blue eyes
    Picture (Optional):
    Age: 7 moons
    Gender: she-cat
    Rank: apprentice

    Cat's Name: Blossomkit (Blossomlight)
    Personality: She is playful, loud, a bit stubborn, and energetic. She is always getting into trouble. She also loves her sister Tumblepaw very much.
    Description: Tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
    Picture (Optional):
    Age: 2 moons
    Gender: she-kit
    Rank: Kit


  11. Jayshadow's new personality :
    His blind blue eyes seem to see the inner you and can sometimes tell your mood. He gets annoyed a lot, but he has a kind and fun heart to those who know him. It takes awhile for him to trust someone but once he does trust you he becomes the most loyal cat you could ever know. He wasn't born blind, but lost his eye sight after protecting Featherpaw and Fadepaw from a rogue. He has hated rogues ever since.

    Featherpaw's new pic :

  12. Cat's Name: Nightshadow
    Personality: He is very fierce to non-clan members, and extremely loyal to his clan. Some may view him as slightly cold, but he simply doesn't want any 'affairs' with other cats.
    Description: Nightshadow is a pure black cat with ice blue eyes.
    Age: 18 moons
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Warrior

  13. OH ps, could HawkClan be allies with FrostClan?

  14. Arrowflight :
    A small, fluffy golden tabby she cat with blue eyes. She is quick witted and has a very sharp tongue. She always has a come back. She is a great fighter. She was a kitty-pet untill she got board of it, then she came into the forest and was found by some of the clan cats soon after she was attacked by rogues. She has a HUGE scar down her spine, but her fluffy fur covers it up. Her mate and one of her kits were killed by the rogues.

    Dawnkit : (Dawnfeather) A small ginger/gold tabby she cat with a white chest and dark eyes. She is patient,understanding,silent, and wise. She is a great hunter and lisens to everything around her.

  15. Willowkit
    Is a playful, excited kit that was found on Frostclan territory. All of her siblings passed away except one in a fight with rats but she and her sister Violetkit managed to escape. Is almost 5 moons old. She is a PITCH black cat with violet eyes the same as her sister.

    Violetkit is the exact opposite of her sister even though they are twins. She is calm, and organized.

  16. Anonymous10.6.11

    Cat's Name: Hazelpaw
    Personality: brave, fierce, outgoing. Can sometimes have a sharp toungue but its just the way she is. Fun to be around and loves to help others.
    Description: lean thin and a hazelish brown pelt. Fern green eyes. Dark arrow lines across back and sides with a white underbelly.
    Picture (Optional):,r:6,s:0&biw=1563&bih=711
    Age: 7 moons
    Gender: female
    Rank: apprentice

  17. Cat's Name:Splashfoot
    Personality:fierce she-cat
    Description: ginger she-cat with white paws and muzzle
    Picture (Optional):,r:2,s:54
    Age: 13 moons

  18. Cats name: Icepaw(Icefeather)
    Personality: Quiet, Shy, Brave, Outgoing, Small, caring
    description: Light gray, white paws and white tipped tail, white muzzle and has one blue eye one green eye.
    Age: 7 moons
    Gender: She-cat
    Rank: apprentice
    ( sorry about the picture. hopefully i gave you guys enough details about my cat.)

  19. Cat name: Tigerstripe
    Personaity: Brave, Adventurous, Couragious, and very ambicious
    Description: Orange she-cat with dark green eyes
    Age: 10 moons
    Gender She-cat
    Rank: warrior


Hi! Thank you for taking the time to comment, but no cursing! If you want to curse, say fox dung! End of story.

Warrior Code

1: Clan cats should defend their Clan even at the cost of their own life.

2: Clan cats should not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.

3: Elders, queens, and kits should be fed first in the Clan.

4: Prey should not be killed for sport and StarClan must be thanked for its life.

5: Kits must be six moons old before they can become apprentices and be assigned mentors.

6: New warriors must sit a silent guard over camp and reflect on their new duties.

7: A warrior cannot become deputy without mentoring at least one apprentice.

8: When a Clan leader dies the Clan deputy must take their place as leader.

9: If a Clan deputy dies or retires the Clan leader must appoint a new one before moonhigh that night.

10: Every full moon all the Clans will meet in peace.

11: Clan boundaries are to be checked and marked daily and intruders to be chased off.

12: Warriors should always help a kit in danger even if it belongs to a different Clan.

13: The word of the Clan leader is to be obeyed as long as they are following StarClan and the Warrior Code.

14: Warriors should not kill in battle unless the opponent is outside the warrior code or threatening their life.

15: A true warrior rejects the ways of kittypets and other cats outside the Clan.

16: Medicine cats must not take mates or have kits.

17: Medicine cats must meet every half-moon to speak with StarClan.

18: Warriors must not take mates from outside their Clan.


19: Apprentices are not allowed to take mates or have kits until they become warriors.